COVID 19 information
Excel is committed to provide the safest possible environment and to follow the most strict rules in place to help protect all Excel families
Covid Coordinators-Teresa Alentejano and Donna
General Facility & AAS rules
Change Room access: Limited - Please shower “properly” at home before coming to the pool (after dryland )
Come with your suits on from home
Some spectators will be allowed at the view area or bleachers - rules depend on facility.
Mandatory that everyone wears a mask unless in the water
No loitering (staying around doing nothing) before / after practice
Parents should maintain physical distancing at parking lots.
Code of Conduct
Swimmers are required to:
Stay home when sick
Stay away from people who are coughing, sneezing or sick
Wash hands thoroughly and often with soap and water, and always before and after practice or after using the washroom
Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or my elbow. If I use a tissue, I will throw it in the garbage right away and wash my hands
Practice physical distancing -when possible
Refrain from sharing of any items including water bottles, towels, nose clips, goggles or swim caps
Answering honestly to the screening checklist
Refraining from making false report of COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms
Refrain from eating on deck or at drop off and pick up locations
No use of changerooms. Bathroom is still allowed
Wear a mask in and out of all facilities
Practices will be suspended if:
If the the facility is closed for reasons not under our control
Coaches are sick and we can’t get subs
Alberta Health /AAS declares activity unsafe
Other unforeseen circumstances