COVID 19 information

Excel is committed to provide the safest possible environment and to follow the most strict rules in place to help protect all Excel families

Covid Coordinators-Teresa Alentejano and Donna

 General Facility & AAS rules

  • Change Room access: Limited - Please shower “properly”  at home before coming to the pool (after dryland )

  • Come with your suits on from home

  • Some spectators will be allowed at the view area or bleachers - rules depend on facility.

  • Mandatory that everyone wears a mask unless in the water

  • No loitering (staying around doing nothing) before / after practice 

  • Parents should maintain physical distancing at parking lots.

Code of Conduct

Swimmers are required to:

  • Stay home when sick

  • Stay away from people who are coughing, sneezing or sick

  • Wash hands thoroughly and often with soap and water, and always before and after practice or after using the washroom

  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or my elbow. If I use a tissue, I will throw it in the garbage right away and wash my hands 

  • Practice physical distancing  -when possible

  • Refrain from sharing of any items including water bottles, towels, nose clips, goggles or swim caps 

  • Answering honestly to the screening checklist 

  • Refraining from making false report of COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms

  • Refrain from eating on deck or at drop off and pick up locations

  • No use of changerooms. Bathroom is still allowed

  • Wear a mask in and out of all facilities 


Practices will be suspended if:  

  • If the the facility is closed for reasons not under our control

  • Coaches are sick and we can’t get subs

  • Alberta Health /AAS declares activity unsafe

  • Other unforeseen circumstances